Proyectos de Investigación 1998-2000

TP14. Evaluación: Esquemas Interpretativos y Aprendizajes Docentes.

Director: Nora Emilce Elichiry
Instituto de Investigaciones.
Catedra de Psicologia Educacional I.
Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

El propósito de esta investigación es el de indagar las teorizaciones, esquemas interpretativos y prácticas docentes en las tareas evaluativas del primer ciclo de la enseñanza básica y sus eventuales repercusiones en el fenómeno de la repitencia escolar .

En esta etapa el estudio se centrará en la reconstrucción de conocimientos explícitos e implícitos de los docentes acerca de las prácticas evaluativas, analizando en particular las conceptualizaciones referidas a criterio de avance ó progreso.

El estudio se propone sistematizar la presencia de conceptualizaciones y criterios técnico-metodológicos provenientes de la psicología. Se incluirá una caracterización de las necesidades de aprendizaje de los docentes referidos a la evaluación de procesos.

Evaluation: insights and teacher’s learning processes.(*)

Director: Nora Emilce Elichiry
Research Institute.
Faculty of Psychology, Buenos Aires University.

This is a qualitative study on evaluation’s practices at the first cycle of the elementary school level. The aim of the project is to inquire into teacher’s conceptualizations and practices on evaluation of the children’s learning processes.

The main purpose is to provide an analytical framework for the understanding of r epeating mechanism at that level (first, second and third grade). The second purpose, is to describe teachers’s ways of learning on evaluation processes.

(*) Note:

This project is part of a wider program of studies focused on school-failure, repetition and droup-out of children from structural poverty strata at elementary school level.

The previous one "School Failure: an ethnographic and cognitive study" describes the interaction between appropiation of knowledge from the social standpoint and its construction as an individual cognitive process at the school context.

The interdisciplinary proposal merges from the educative ethnography and the psychogenetic appproach with Piaget and Vigotski theorethical frameworks.

One of the results of that preliminay study was the lack of identification for part of the teachers, on children’s conceptual changes, intermediate processes and the differential initial standpoint at the beginning of schooling . Teacher’s evaluations tends to confuse intermediate processes with supposed stagned periods.

The actual project is centered on the teachers conceptualizations and practices and is a continuance of the previous one, focused on children’ s conceptualizations and appopiation processes. The target area for both studies was defined at the first cycle of the elementary school level.

Secretaría de Investigaciones
Lavalle 2353
Tel/fax: 4952-5481/ 4952-5490
Horario de atención: 10 a 17 hs.
Contacto: María Fernanda Muhamed