Revista Universitaria de Psicoanálisis - Volumen II


Presencia del psicoanálisis en la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Autor/es: Lucía Rossi.

Este trabajo se propone reconstruir las circunstancias de inclusión académica del psicoanálisis y la genealogía del itinerario de vicisitudes que recorre su presencia en los cursos de Psicología en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1900 a 1963)

Palabras clave: -Universidad de Buenos Aires- Cursos de Psicología

The presence of Psychoanalysis at the University of Buenos Aires. This paper addresses the presence of Psychoanalysis at the University of Buenos Aires. Psychoanalysis is included at an early stage in both courses of Psychology: the one of the medical domain and of the French clinical tradition- Physiological Experimental Psychology- and that of the philosophical tradition- Psychology II, which subscribes to Ortega y Gasset, thus introducing German Psychology as a reference. The nature of the presence of Psychoanalysis is reviewed in the Positivist University project (1901- 1918), in the period following the University Reform (1918- 1930), within the framework of Biotypology and Spiritualism (1930- 1946), and finally in the post-war phenomenological humanist period (1948- 1955). The last section of this paper assesses the role of Psychoanalysis in the creation of a university course such as Deep Psychology (1957- 1962).

Keywords: Psychoanalysis- University of Buenos Aires- Courses of Psychology.