El presente trabajo se basa en el supuesto que las dimensiones de carácter psicológico-contextuales son fundamentales para comprender y promover el desarrollo saludable en los niños. Nuestro objetivo ha sido sintetizar la evidencia disponible en la bibliografía internacional acerca de los factores psicológico-contextuales que protegen la salud integral de los niños de
The present paper is based on the supposition that the psychological- contextual protective dimensions are fundamental to understand and to promote the healthy development in children. Our goal has been to synthesize the evidence in the international literature of the psychological
- contextual factors that protect the health of children aged between 6 to 12 years old, as well as to make a systematization of the methodological approaches and findings of the studies reviewed. A detail search was done in generic and specialized databases and in metasearchers. Inclusion criteria were language Spanish, English and Portuguese publications between 2000 and 2010. From the systematic review, we obtained as result the verification of evidences about the existence of protective personal, familiar and community factors. The study of these dimensions must be deepened to orientate the public policies on children health.
Keywords: Protective factors - Child development - Systematic review - Health policy