Becas Estímulo

Efectos del refuerzo sobre la adquisición de relaciones de equivalencia.

Tabullo, Angel Javier / e-mail:


Área Temática: Ciencias de la Salud Humana
Rama 1: Psicología Experimental

Resumen en español:

El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar los efectos de la manipulación de las características del refuerzo, y de contraste sucesivo negativo y positivo, sobre la formación de clases de equivalencia en humanos; con un paradigma experimental de emparejamiento demorado con la muestra (“delayed match to sample” – DMTS). Diversos experimentos han comprobado que el reforzador pueden formar parte de las clases de equivalencia entrenadas, y facilitar u obstaculizar su adquisición, según su administración (Sidman, 2000). También se ha demostrado que el suministro de refuerzos mayores o menores a los esperados por el sujeto produce efectos de contraste observables en su nivel de respuesta (Amsel, 1992). Se propone estudiar ambos efectos en una serie de tres experimentos, manipulando sistemáticamente: la magnitud del refuerzo, la probabilidad de ocurrencia del refuerzo y la combinación de ambas.
Los resultados permitirían inferir la implicación de mecanismos implícitos de aprendizaje, sensibles a la manipulación del refuerzo. También servirían como base para futuros estudios de potenciales relacionados con eventos, asociados al error de predicción del refuerzo.

Resumen en inglés:

The objective of the present project is to study the effects of manipulation of reinforcement, and successive negative and positive contrast, on human’s equivalence class acquisition, in a delayed match to sample (DMTS) experiment type. Several studies have demonstrated that the reinforcer can became a member of the trained equivalence class, and enhance or obstruct the acquisition according to its contingency (Sidman, 2000). Besides, it has been demonstrated that when the subject receives a reinforcer greater or lesser than expected, it produces contrast effects in his response level (Amsel, 1992). We propose to study the mentioned effects in a series of three experiments, varying systematically: reinforcer magnitude, probability of occurrence, and combination of both.
The results would allow us to infer the involvement of implicit learning mechanisms, influenced by reinforcement variation. They would also serve as an empirical basis for further studies of event related potentials associated with error processing of reinforcement prediction.
The objective of the present project is to study the effects of manipulation of reinforcement, and successive negative and positive contrast, on human’s equivalence class acquisition, in a delayed match to sample (DMTS) experiment type. Several studies have demonstrated that the reinforcer can became a member of the trained equivalence class, and enhance or obstruct the acquisition according to its contingency (Sidman, 2000). Besides, it has been demonstrated that when the subject receives a reinforcer greater or lesser than expected, it produces contrast effects in his response level (Amsel, 1992). We propose to study the mentioned effects in a series of three experiments, varying systematically: reinforcer magnitude, probability of occurrence, and combination of both.
The results would allow us to infer the involvement of implicit learning mechanisms, influenced by reinforcement variation. They would also serve as an empirical basis for further studies of event related potentials associated with error processing of reinforcement prediction.

Secretaría de Investigaciones
Lavalle 2353
Tel/fax: 4952-5481/ 4952-5490
Horario de atención: 10 a 17 hs.
Contacto: María Fernanda Muhamed