Anuario XX


Escritura del testimonio

Autor/es: Gutiérrez, Carlos


En los procesos judiciales en los que se juzgan los crímenes del terrorismo de Estado es frecuente encontrar, luego de la declaración testimonial, una reticencia entre los testigos que fueron víctimas, a que su palabra circule en otros ámbitos. ¿A qué responde esta limitación? Si el testimonio fue hecho público en instancia judicial, exige una aclaración de tal término. La instancia judicial reclama al testigo una palabra documental, despojando al relato de su carácter ficcional. Esto produce, por una parte, una palabra que es la repetición misma de la situación de violencia extrema

Palabras clave: Terrorismo de Estado – Testimonio – Confidencialidad –Escritura pública


Writing the testimony

During the ongoing legal proceedings for crimes of state terrorism is common to find in the witnesses, who were victims, the refusal to circulate their statement outside the trial. Which is the explanation of this limitation? If the testimony is already public, considering that it was done in the trial, the situation has a special relevance. The court claims from the witness a word in a documental sense, taking off its fictional nature. Due that, we can mention two different effects. From one side, it produces a word that is the repetition of the situation suffered in the past. From other side, it conduce the word to be a display of intimacy and not necessary a public word. What this article is trying to emphasize is that to speak in the public area needs a decision of the witness. As the notarial deed, to make a deed with the testimony equivalent to publish his word, which means, at the same time, to appropriate and to lose the testimony

Keywords: State Terrorism - Testimony - Confidentiality - Writing – Public