Proyectos de Investigación 2004-2007

P006. Programa Materno de Estimulación Cognoscitiva para Bebés

Director/a: Oiberman, Alicia

Área Temática: PSICOLOGIA
Especialidad: Psicología del desarrollo
Resumen en Español:
El objetivo del presente trabajo es la elaboración de un programa de estimulación cognoscitiva realizado por los propios padres. Para ello se detectara a bebés con riesgo cognitivo a través de la aplicación la Escala Argentina de Inteligencia Sensorio motriz,(EAIS) a 180 bebés en riesgo psicosocial . Esta escala Argentina de Inteligencia Sensorio motriz, fue elaborada por Oiberman, Mansilla y Orellana, ( 2002) y está basada en las concepciones expuestas por Piaget a partir de las observaciones de las actividades sensoriomotrices realizadas por niños de 6 a 24 meses. La misma permite investigar los mecanismos intelectuales propiamente dichos en niños muy pequeños, a partir de analizar su capacidad de resolver los problemas en actividades que hacen intervenir la percepción, las actitudes y los movimientos sin evocaciones simbólicas.
Resumen en Inglés:
ARGENTINE SCALE OF SENSORY MOTOR INTELLIGENCE (EAIS): APPLIED TO CHILDREN CIIPME - CONICET, FACULTAD DE PSICOLOGIA - UBA The present project aims at selecting a sample to apply the EAIS (Ciipme- Conicet editions) to babies at psychosocial risk from ages 6 months to 2 years. The goal is to: · achieve an early detection of retards or cognitive disorders in the development of babies at psychosocial risk. · Produce an intervention and cognitive stimulation program that can be administered by the family itself, specially parents and grandparents. · Make it available for children health and initial education professionals to apply a program which is easy, of low cost and standardized in our country. · Develop knowledge on intellectual processes of children at early ages by observing the correspondence between items, stages and the corresponding ages. The importance of a program for cognitive stimulation consists in the possibility of generating an interdisciplinary and prevention work. As in any other developmental area, for intellectual aspects, the sooner the problems are detected, the more efficacious and quick the interventions that can be applied. On other hand, many of the functions that are not performed at the age they showed be acquired, get lost and do not allow an adequate integration of toes which appear later on during the course of development.